Dec 14, 2004 13:08
hey everyone! what is going on in the busy lives of all my friends?? today was the last day of school for me! I'm loving it, (mcdonalds quote!) because now I'm off for a month! yes!! well tomorrow I get to make the journey up there and sell my books back and get CASH! oh yeah!! then I get to use that cash and then go shopping for my loved ones! money just slips through my fingers doesnt it!
well work is kickin my ass this week. I dont even get out of the damn hub till about midnight anymore! GRRRR. oh well OT for me! Its the max point at peak and its taking its toll. good thing its only going to be for another week and then it starts to slow down to a reasonable level. and dammit I need to take a break tonight! I havent had a break at work in like a week!
much love people!
we gotta hang out again sometime meagho!