I've got a job over the hollidays. Two jobs, actually. It's a good way of keeping warm since dad thinks permanent house-heating charms are expensive. I wish we had a fire place.
It's miserable, this. I'm a clerk in Honeydukes and a dishwasher in the Leaky Cauldron. Wailing children and a wet shirt-front every day. Haven't had time to go Christmas shopping yet, so everyone has to make do with an I.O.U., eh? Spirit of Christmas and all.
Thanks to everyone who sent gifts. These socks have heating charms. Did you send them, Andie? You must've forgotten to put your name. They're nice. Thanks.
Two jobs and still not halfway to getting those cufflinks Amycus likes. Never thought those things were expensive. I've never even worn cufflinks in my life!
But he said they were nice. I want to give him something nice.
I hope he doesn't mind holding a dishwasher's hands.
Merry Christmas! Hope you're both pink and fat from your Christmas dinners, you bleeding rich wankers. Erm. D'you think I can borrow some money? Around seventy fifty galleons each?