(no subject)

Aug 27, 2005 23:57

its late and im bored, what else is new...

What time is it: 12:03am
*Todays Date: August 28th
*Name: marie
*Sex: female
*Siblings: charles
*Parents: debra and charles
*Nieces: none
*Nefews: none
*School: brandon high
*School colors: blue and white
*Eye color: blue but can change with what i wear
*Hair Color: red

*Hair Length: short/medium
*Weight: um dont kno havent weighed myself in a while
*Height: 5'4"
*Skin(pale white,tan,dark,black): white

*What are you wearing as of now: pj bottoms and a t shirt
*Are you wearing make-up? yes

*Did you take a shower today? yes
*Pets(names,kind): 2 cats (princey and smokey) 1 dog (hunter) 1 human brother (cj)
*Are you listening to music? yes
*If so, what song, and who is it by? time to dance by panic! at the disco
*What are your screen names? If you wanna know I'll tell you
*Crushing: yes
*Dating anyone? nope
*Are you in love? not right now

*Are you a virgin? yes
*How far have you been with a guy/girl? i havent even told my best friend this
*How far would you go just to be with the person you crushed? i dont kno
*Are you a DEVIL, or a sweet little innocent ANGEL? thats for you to decide
*Who are your best friend(s)? the closest are michelle and nikki
*Why is she/he your best friend? bc i said so bitch
*What kind of music do you listen to? alternative/rock

*************YES OR............NO*****************
*Shy: yes
*Outgoing: yes

*Ugly: no none is

*Pretty: once in a blue moon
*Beautiful: when i feel like it
*Loveable: yes!
*Sensative: yes very
*Nerdy: ha im a dork
*Geek: no
*Playa: lol nah dawg
*Playa hata: lol
*Tall: nopp
*Short: 5'4" you decide
*Only Child: nopp
*Cheated on a test: yeah
*Did someone else's homework: I let them copy
*let somone act like you on the phone: yeah lol
*asked out your crush: no
*Split up a relationship: yeah
*Drove a car: yes i drive
*Road a roller coaster: I LOVE THEM!
*Chickened out on a roller Coaster: yes...
*Went to a concert: plenty
*Went to the beach:yes
*Been to an Ocean: yupp
*Called your boyfriend a jerk: my ex
*Made fun of your best friend: oh yea all the time!
*said you loved someone when you really didn't: um
*Said you loved someone and you meant it: yes
*Kissed someone: yes
*Went out on a date, just you and him/her: yup yup

*Color: blue

*Flower: lily or tulip
*Song: sugar were going down by fall out boy
*CD: the spill canvas cds... every song on those are amazing
*person: ben jorgensen
*Star: the one i can wish upon
*Actor: johnny depp

*Actress: idk
*Movie: hahaha...dont get me started
*Singer: patrick stumph
*Rapper: kanye west
*Boyfriend/Girlfriend: well i guess ethan
*Music Video: grand theft autumn (where is your boy) by fall out boy
*Radio Station: 88.7, 101.1, 99.5, 95.1
*TV Show: desperate housewives

*friend at school: my best friends
*Animal: dolphins

*School: bell ann

*Boy Name(s): Christopher
*Girl Name(s): Hannah
*pet Name(s): Trixy

***************Which One??*****************
*Car OR jeep: car
*Sweet and ugly OR Rude and Hot: sweet and ugly
*Tall OR short: taller then me
*Long hair in the summer OR short hair in the winter: in the middle
*hot,hairy chest guy OR ugly smooth chested guy: um
*Soggy Bread OR Raw Meat: eww id go buy something else

*Justin Timberlake with a bald head OR long hair: long hair cover his ugliness
*Pringles OR DOritos: doritos
*Scary Movie OR Romantic Movie: depends
*Dog OR Cat: dog
*Fish OR Bird: fish
*Sandles with socks or tennis shoes with no socks: sandles with socks atleast you feet won't smell
*Shoes OR Sandles: sandles
*Computer with no mouse OR Computer with no keyboard: no mouse ... you can do all the same things without the mouse useing the keyboard
*Love OR LIke: love
*HOtt Or Cute: beautiful
*Honest & Nerdy OR Liar & Popular: honest and nerdy
*100 friends or 1 best friend: 100 friends atleast they all won't ditch you for a guy
*100 friends that lie all the time OR no friends: lol prolly friends that lie
*Hott boyfriend that never calls you OR Ugly Boyfriend that calls you when you want him to: ...but they always call me when I tell them to.
*Staple your tounge or Staple your Lip: Tounge?
*Food or drink: drink
*Spinich OR Raw Fish: ew i hate spinich
*Green Beans or Refried beans: ew
*computer with no speakers & napster OR a computer with speakers & no napster: computer with speadkers and no napster... dude theres cds
*Cable or DSL: Cable
*Email or Mail: email

***************First reaction****************
*Ugly: your mom
*Fat: ass
*cute: face
*Hot: body
*Guyz: jerks some
*Jerks: cheaters
*Girls: gone wild
*friends: love em
*Car: driving
*Color: blue
*wet: horny
*Plastic: card
*hard: penis
*soft: pillow
*watery: water
*Silver: ring
*Fork: spork
*Spoon: cuddle
*Bowl: shinkes
*Plate: food
*TV: wanna fanta?
*Money: running out
*School: ...
*Crush: crushing bad right now
*love: my dog
*boyfriend: None

*girlfriend: dont have one im a girl

*Drink: coke
*Swallow: what?
*Suck: dick
*Blow: horn

*Outside: nice
*Inside: boring

*Did this Survey really annoy you? not at all
*Are you glad your done? I guess so
*Do you want more ?'s ? not really
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