(no subject)

Jul 17, 2005 01:10

Okay. A lot of people are pissed at bush right now. For once, i'm not blaming him.

For those of you that don't know, China has recently decided to posture for more leg room, and made first-strike threats with it's nuclear weapons.

Basically they said "We're taking taiwan, if you help them resist, we'll nuke all your major cities"

Everyone seems to think that this is a failure of the Bush regime's foreign policy. PROC aggression toward taiwan is nothing new, and neither is the U.S. defense of taiwan. China is just pissed off and tired. Yes, that means that they may be pissed enough to attack us. No we shouldn't let China take taiwan.

What will piss me off is if bush A) withdraws, or B) makes some boneheaded 'hero' move without U.N. support.

Both of those are LOSING to china.

But hey, there is a bright side to nuclear holocaust.

"Yeah it would be no big deal, right, just thirty or forty million dead and a nuclear winter for a century, destroyed ecology and worldwide famine."
"But those that survive (me) will get to ride around in dune buggies and get into epic battles for the gasoline reserves! Oh man, I can't wait."
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