Sep 30, 2008 20:03
When I started posting on LJ you guys were just amazing... as you still are! I was very touched when each one of you 'friended' me. I thought 'wow, how cool such talented and interesting people would take the time to do that'.
I still feel that way. I feel compelled to let you all know that because I know I have been doing more lurking that posting for a while and I don't want anyone to take that personally.
I have been a bad friend and I feel really bad about it!
Between work and trying to find time to write and oh yeah, actually have a personal life that is not on the net, I have bee nawaful about responding to posts for a while. I know everybody has stuff and honestly I don't know how so many of you stay on top of everything in your lives.
These days I feel like I'm trending water.
Anyway, I just wanted to take a second to explain myself and let know all know I will try to do better with keeping up with everyone.
You all inspire me so much with your writing and well as how you deal with whatever personal situation you care to share here. I just wanted to let each of you know that!