Title: Not in Our Stars
Author: Emluv
emluv Beta: Lindmere
lindmereFandom/Spoilers: Star Trek AOS, borrowing from TOS
Characters: Leonard McCoy, Jim Kirk
Rating: R
Length: approx. 36,300 words complete
Warnings: Some swearing; minor violence; angst; mentions of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in a captive situation as described by a character after the fact.
Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by the Roddenberry estate, Paramount Pictures, and probably a few others who are not me. No profit made, no infringement intended.
Archive/Distribution: Please ask.
Date: April 19, 2012
Summary/Author’s Note: Written for a prompt on the
buckleup_meme requesting a fic in which brilliant young medical student Leonard McCoy volunteers for a Doctors Without Borders-type organization and ends up helping with the rescue efforts on Tarsus IV, where he meets a teenage, traumatized Jim Kirk, who will, for whatever reason, allow only McCoy to treat him. I have played fast and loose with TOS information about Tarsus IV and its location, making it closer to Earth so that McCoy could feasibly make it there and back in one summer.
Title taken from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Act I, scene ii: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in our selves...”
This fic is complete and will be posted in five parts at regular intervals. Additional notes follow the final part.
Part Two ~*~