Title: What’s A Meal Between Friends? (5/6)
Chapter Title: “The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His Stomach” (Fifth Dinner)
Author: fritz42
Fandom:Star Trek AOS (Post-Star Trek into Darkness)
Characters/Pairings: Jim Kirk/ Leonard McCoy
Ratings: PG
Warnings: Swearing, Jim being Jim, Bones being grumpy, spoilers for Star Trek into Darkness
Word count:2099
caitriDisclaimer: This wonderful universe is own by Paramount, Gene Roddenberry, JJ Abrams and a host of others. I make no money off this. I am truly only here to play.
Chapter Summary: Bones isn’t the most amiable person, especially after a bad day in Medbay. Luckily, Jim knows exactly how to get him open to new possibilities. How else would Jim get Bones to do things?
You can find the chapter at
AO3, at
my LJ fic journal, or at
my DW fic journal. This is a completed fic. I will be posting the remaining chapter tomorrow.