First of all, we already have over 20 members and we're growing! That's super great guys, keep spreading the love!
Secondly, your mod team is as follows.
ken_ichijouji is also known as Dommi, and in fact, she prefers to be called that. Dommi has been writing fanfiction since 1999, and has been writing Kirk/McCoy in particular since 2009.
She put a water park on the Enterprise, which is probably what you know her from.
Dommi lives with three cats and a dog, is a full time student, and works part time. She is available virtually 24/7 via PM, so don't hesitate to contact her if you need anything.
She is also found
on twitter, and can be reached via email to
She also likes cake, in case you can't tell.
scriblerusday and I've been writing fanfiction for about six years now, primarily in the Harry Potter world. I only joined the Star Trek fandom (for real, instead of occasionally reading if I ran across a fic) in February of this year. It's become my main fandom since, pretty much exclusively thanks to our favorite characters.
I have a very hands off modding style, because the pattern that I've seen over and over again is that communities where that's the norm are much more lively and creative than ones where the mods are constantly hovering over users' shoulders. What I want is to interact with everyone else as much as possible as a regular user, rather than as a moderator.
That said, if you ever feel the need to get a hold of me as a mod, do, because that's what I'm here for. I'm online pretty much all the time, and I'll probably get back to you within a couple hours at most.
Other places you can find me:
tresa_cho is a long time scifi slash fan. Kirk/McCoy shoved over beside Jack/Daniel (Stargate-SG1) in her bed, and life has been full of snarky banter ever since. She writes, reads, and kinks out on memes in many fandoms, and enjoys boys who like getting wet and dirty together.
In the interest of transparency, here is exactly how moderating is going to go down.
So say you forget a tag on your entry, or your HTML is messed up, or you post something that you think is on topic but actually isn't. Here is what's going to happen.
1) Myself, Scriblerus, or Tresa will shoot you a PM. We will politely explain what you did wrong, why it needs to be corrected, and what you can do to fix it. We will also likely use emoticons and the word "thanks" a lot. In the event that you have PMs disabled, we will attempt to email you. If that is not possible, then we will leave a comment on the entry stating politely where the error lies.
2) Whichever one of us PMs/messages you will then PM the other two to make sure you don't get dinged by all of us at once or feel dogpiled.
3) You will have twenty-four hours from the time the PM is sent in order to quietly correct the mistake yourself. This is because you may post on your way out to do shopping, go to work, go to class, and so on. We want you to have time to fix it yourself without causing you any undo embarrassment.
4) If after twenty-four hours has passed you have not corrected the error, it will be quietly corrected for you by us deleting your post as unfortunately we can't edit it for you. You're of course welcome to try a second time at this point.
We feel this method is the best way for handling these situations, and in the interest of transparency, we wanted you to know the policy for enforcement. We want you guys to know what you can expect. We all make mistakes sometimes, and we want yours to be handled with dignity and respect. This is our assurance that they will be.
Our policy involving wank is as follows:
mccoy_and_kirk will be using a three strikes policy involving wank, personal attacks, and harassment.
1) On your first offense, you will receive a private message from myself or any of the other mods with a "mod icon" letting you know that this is official business. Your comment will then be deleted quietly. This is to give you a chance to understand where you went wrong.
2) On your second offense, you will not receive a PM. Instead, you will receive a comment reply with a "mod icon" letting you know that it is your second such offense and that we are going to delete your offending comment. Your comment will then be deleted, the same as in step 1.
3) On your third such offense, you will receive a mod comment stating that you are now banned from the community. You will then be banned accordingly.
It should go without saying, but
mccoy_and_kirk has a strict anti-wank and anti-harassment policy. While we trust you guys, we are asking you to not make us wish we hadn't. It should also go without saying, but not everyone has the same kinks. Therefore, we are following the rules of YKINMK, your kink is not my kink. If you aren't into it, don't comment unless it's to say "I'm not normally into ______, but this was outstanding." Pretty straight-forward and simple.
We also have a strict "no shaming" policy. This means if someone participated in TMI Tuesday last week, and they don't wish to this week, and then show up the following week, under no circumstances is anyone to say anything like "hey you participated before, what's your problem?" This means that lurkers are just as welcome as avid participants. This means avid participants may comment as much as they want. Under no circumstances are you to shame any member for any reason.
In the interest of maintaining a community archive, I have gotten us a Scribd account at
mccoy_and_kirk. Archival on the scribd account is voluntary. While it would be awesome if you let us archive your stuff, we totally understand the need for a writer to control their own work, and that includes controlling where your work is posted. There is a post where you can comment stating that you would like your work to be archived by us, located
here. By not commenting, you are automatically not opting in to this process and will not be archived.
For the ease of archiving, if you could send one of the three of us your completed document, (format doesn't matter), we will upload it for you. And, of course, should you decide that you no longer wish your work to be archived, we will take it down for you with zero complaint. Please also use the !archive tag on all relevant entries, just to make sure we know what we're doing.
Scribd allows people to download works, as an FYI, which is why we're using it in place of somewhere like Delicious. This way, if you feel you have to friendslock/privatize your journal, your fic will still be accessible to those who want it. Again, if you ask us to take it down, we absolutely will. We also have the ability to disable the download and printing of your fic, so if you'd like us to do that, we certainly will.
This post is linked in the userinfo, as well as on the sidebar of the community. I will be updating it as the need arises. (IE additions to the mod team, and so on.)
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding our moderating policies, archiving, or anything else. Thank you for your time in reading this!