You don't know Kanye? Have you never heard that Golddigger song? Have you never heard Jesus Walks? I was reluctant at first, but then I fell in love. I should send you things.
I meant personally. I've heard his music. It's tough to not, with a Jarhead advert on as often as they are and Jesus Walks as a background track. You can always send, I will always listen.
Ah, gotcha. Well, neither do I. Did you see Jarhead? It's definitely worth your time. At least if you like looking at Jake Gyllenhaal or Pete Sarsgaard. I still need to make that mix for you.
You should know Kanye. I haven't seen it yet. I am so back logged on films and books, I might never catch up. I still need to finish yours. A grand work in progress that if you end up hating I will weep.
Well, I know him, but we're not exactly getting together and having bongo marijuana parties. I try to make a list and check them off as I go. I end up waiting for a lot of things on video, though. I bet I won't hate it. I just hope you don't hate yours.
Haha, and why not? I've got both lists and stacks of things here ready to go. The problem is either time or concentration. I should take a month long holiday and do nothing but watch dvds and read books, but that is silly when there is sex to be had. ;) I won't hate it at all. I've loved all you've shared with me thus far.
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