wow Im bored

May 01, 2005 04:30

Ive seen this in some ppls lj's so i thought 'meh ill fill it out'
1. Kissed your cousin: no, I wiil get abck to you on that
2. Ran away: yup
3. Pictured your crush naked: maybe...
4. Skipped school: no
5. Broken someone's heart: probally
6. Been in love: I can easily say, no
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yup
9. Broken a bone: no
10. Done something embarrasing: come on everyone, its me
11. Lied: yes
12. Cried in school: unfortunately, yes
Which is Better?

13. Coke or Pepsi: False, Mt Dew
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
15. Girls or Guys: Girls, srry guys, but Im not gay....and I have to say, Girls do have a different sense of humour that can be a good change
16. Flowers or Candy: candy... i cant eat the flower
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: Clean, I cut myslef on the scruff
18. Blondes or Brunettes: I personalley like both....nah, maybe brunette, but a hard choice
19. Bitchy or Slutty: Neither... they both annoy me
20. Tall or Short: I dont care, I know Im average, so either way, there is a height difference
21. Pants or Shorts: ummm, both?
22. Night or Day:Day, then the night afterwards

With the Opposite Sex

23. What do you notice first: what do you want me to say.....second, personallity meaning, are they funny
24. Last person you slow danced with: ummm...this is a hard one, some girl at UMASS, I dont remeber her name
25. Worst Question To Ask: So... about those dead bodies...[/sarcasm] i dunno really...(I had to keep Ryan's answer)

Last Time You...

26. Showered: 10:30 am....Sautrday, wow, Im almost at 25 hours, damn
27. Stepped outside: 1:45 am
28. Had Sex: Never...
29. Romantic memory: some would cal it romantic...I cal it a mistake....
30. Your Good Luck Charm: Dude, I so schooled everyone at laser quest cause I had it....ironically enough, It is my Gypsy pendeant
31. Person You Hate Most: ummm, no one
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: when it happenes I will tell you
33. On your desk: Pens, pencils, my computer, paper, printer, cords
34. Picture on your desktop: none...damn

35. Color(s): red all the way
36. Movie(s): I ahve to say, tie between Eurotrip, Old School, Montey Python and the Holy Grail, and Happy Gilmore
37. Artist: ummm....If i new there name I would tell you
38. Cars: Hybrids...I want one
39. Ice Cream: so cookie dough
40. Season: Summer/winter
41. Breakfast Food: Bagel


42. Makes you laugh the most: Chinese/ Facendola/ Crystal....they are in all my classes, and when not them, Mike Nunez
43. Is homosexual?: Ryan Belfay
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: ummm, Chinese, Jules, and my Dad
45. Has A Crush On You: well if i knew, would I be filling this out? ( that is not an actually question...dont respoond phil)
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nah, shit, oh well
47. Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: I will admit it....Guys, yeah for no Aunt FLow
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Carnies...I dont know

Do You Ever...

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no, I will call someone if I'm that desperate
51. Save E-mails: yes, but then AOL delets them on me...getting screwed by the interent...damn the man!!!
52. Forward secret E-mails: no
53. Wish you were someone else: no actually, I like being me, for the msot part, and I wouldnt know hwo to be anyone else
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no, I dont like men...srry
55. Wear perfume: doesnt eveyone?
56. Kiss: I have....and that isnt just my mom...but not recently
57. Cuddle: Same..except minus mother
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: no, I get bored..and then no one can call either

Have You Ever...

59. Fallen for your best friend?: No, my best friend is a guy...not that it is worng...but yeah
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: No
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: yeah, my mother and yeah
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: since I said I havent had sex before...of course
63. Been rejected: who hasn't
64. Been in love?: No, I can still say love
65. Been in lust?: again, who hasn't
66. Used someone?: I dont like to admit it, and I cant rmeber who, or how, but Im postiive I have at some time, everyone has
67. Been used?: yes...TWOMEY!!!!, na, you deserved that award
68. Cheated on someone?: no, I really havent
69. Been cheated on: well, people have said stuff about Gill, but I think no
71. Done something you regret?: Yea; everyone has..

Who Was the Last Person...

72. You touched? ahh....ummm, I havent touched someone in a while...besides my dog.....maybe Jules, Im sure I made her Jump at least once on Firday..if not, Nicole
73. You talked to?: My mother
74. You hugged?: Nicole
75. You instant messaged? well, got instant messaged...Allee
76. You kissed? really, honestly in a none sick way...I will dog
77. You yelled at?: shit, I havent yelled at someone in a brother, and that was months ago
78. You thought about?: well due to writing a none creepy way, Jules, Nicole, and Allee
79. Who text messaged you? I dont have a phone
80. Who broke your heart? Havent had it broken I said, never in love
81. Who told you they loved you?: my mother, then Nicole, then Allee

Do You...

82. Color your hair? nope
83. Have tattoos?: no
84. Have piercings?: no
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: of course, Im wearing it right now...
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: well, no thatz youv putz yourv fott inz ourz
90. Drink: only once or twice...maybe three or four, but nto mroe than that
91. Quack?: moo?...( I had to keep Ryan's)

Have You/Do You/Are You

92. Stolen anything?: youre heart
93. Smoke?: No, not cigrates, why would I?
94. Schizophrenic?: who?
95. Obsessive?: actually, no, except....
96. Compulsive?: sometimes
97. Obsessive compulsive?: well......(as I add more .....)
98. Panic?: I panic a lot....Damn you Comtois!!!!
99. Anxiety?: Sure, I guess...wait, what si that?
100. Depressed?: I have been before, I think it is a waste of time, but I know you cant control it.
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