Oct 15, 2006 16:10
Last night I got home around 3 or 4 (don't worry folks, I was doing work at school- not out on the town) and I turned on the tv and started watching the Food Network. It's Guiness World Record week or something so the record the people were trying to break was largest popcorn structure. The goal was to make giant popcorn blocks and then carve out a giant Mickey Mouse in Fantasia clothes out of it. They had to mix the popcorn with something to make it stick together so they could make this thing. And so they explained that they were using nonedible adhesive. And while I started yelling at the tv about how absurd it was that they can use ANYTHING to mix with the popcorn and what's the point if the whole thing isnt edible, an official from Guiness Records came on and said "We allow the use of inedible adhesive because edible adhesive would not be strong enough." Then maybe a giant Mickey Mouse made out of popcorn and glue shouldn't be made........