Aug 05, 2006 12:15
So last night we hung out at Megans and then went out and afterwards I went to drive Karla back to her house. We dropped her off and on the way back I decided to take the more country-esque road once we got off 195 and drive through Allaire State Park. So I was kind of nervous about deer but Bill claimed that they only come out at dusk and dawn so I figured we'd be okay. I'm driving along and all the sudden I see a possum basically underneath my tire and some how I managed to drive so I only kind of hit it and it mostly just went underneath the car. I couldn't see if he was terminally injured because it was too dark but I at least sprained his leg or something. As Anthony is talking me down and telling me they are a dime a dozen and that one was fine anyway, I almost hit another one! So I keep driving and I'm like on high alert now, and finally we get out of the state park and I think it's going to be smooth sailing and then we see yet another one lying in the road. But this one has been partially hit because it wouldn't move too much. But he didn't look squished or anything. So I drove around it. And continued on our way.