Today was most un-productice.. i made myself a shirt kinda tho..
practice wasn't that bad this morning.. besides having to wake up of course!
I watched Cinderella Story today... not so bad! and then Shrek 2 later
on. I love that movie. hehe so many little hidden jokes that children
won't catch.
i have a cut going up and down on the palm side of my ring finger.. so
everytime i bend my finger the cut opens up. it's really deep too. i
got fingernail polish remover in it today and it fucking hurt. and then
i did it 3 more times accidentally. actually it really hurts when i
type too.
I seem to have OCD quite often now.. and it's getting annoying.
and i just don't know what to do about this.. thing.
god.. whine whine whine, eh??
Okay.. time for a most certainly random picture update...
maggie, eryn, hillary, and caitlin!
we were hot and the water was cold!
sexy brooke! and brianca in the background
how great is this picture?!?!? Kelly and Michael
kelly thinks this picture is scary.. :-D
she couldn't be serious while looking at the camera.. aaha
Used to be my brother's old race for the Cure volunteer shirt.. but I'm sure he wont notice it's gone ;)
You can see the print thru the shirt.. but I plan on doing something else to the front, ya know?
I'm excited it came out long-sleeved!
yeah that's all