and im back!

Jan 03, 2007 23:09

sorry i havent updated in a while, i havent been in the mood to share my inner thoughts to the world lately....meaning the 3 people who read my not really ready to go back to boone yet, i guess im avoiding my huge mess that i left up there last semester, but lets here it for denial!!!  : )

--Your Favorites of 2006--
Movie: Walk the Line
Song: JT, it was a good cd
Outfit: sweatpants/hoodie combo
Rap song to mock: hahaha i dont know the words of the original to mock one
Place you went: jordans
Gift you received: aerosmith tickets
Color: pink
Food: cheese ravioli
TV Show: Nip/Tuck, although it wasnt as good as prior seasons...cmon guys
*In the Spring of 06...
What was the weather like? chilly
Did you do anything for spring break? i went home and slept
What holiday(s) did you celebrate? there are no good spring holidays
What did you do during the spring of '06? school
*Summer of 2006
When did summer officially start for you? may 6
Did you go on vacation? i went to CH and booooone
How often did you go swimming, if at all? like 4 times, i worked 50 hrs/week all summer
What will you remember most? CH was awesome, and shala being the dude
Did you go to any camp or go camping? hahahahahah, definitely not
Swim in a creek/river? Ocean? no
Go to any concerts? um, not in the summer
Any of those "summer romances"? hahahahahaha, no
If so, who? 
Best thing about the summer of '06: i went shopping almost everyday
Do anything school related? in the summer?!
*The Fall of '06....
When did you start school again? august
What grade did you enter? jr
Struggle at all getting "back into the groove of things"? it took me like 2 weeks to unpack
Rake any leaves? no
Jump in any leaf piles? no, im not 12 
What was the most memorable part of fall? halloweeeeeeeeeen!
*Winter time!
What's the weather like during the winter? its been like florida, minus the sun
If it snows, what was the most snow you had? barely anything
What holiday did you celebrate? christmas eve was so fun!!!  and new years was so lame
What kind of gifts did you get? i got a shit ton of ornaments that are useless
Make any snow angels? no
Snowmen? ive never made a snowman
Did you belt out carols like a madman at all? no
How old did you turn this year? 21
Change your look at all? my hair was finally long
Do you FEEL older? sometimes, im starting to get wrinkles!!!  noooooo
Any life changing experiences? always
Near death experiences? no
Do any painting at all? my nails
Greatest accomplishment of '06: getting out of my comfort zone 
Looking forward to it? yes
What specifically are you anticipating? i want to go to asheville
If you're single, hoping to get in a relationship? nope
What do you want to change? i want to hang out with more of my friends
Any plans for 2007? school, school school
And yes, getting ahead of myself... what about 2008? ahhhh, graduation!!!!

The Letter A
Are you available?: always
What is your age?: 21
what annoys you?: selfishness, people who are late

The Letter B
Do you live in a big house?: no
When is your birthday?: january 22
Who is your best friend?: lauren

The Letter C
What's your favorite candy?: reeses
Who's your crush?: colin farrell
When was the last time you cried?: last night

The Letter D
Do you daydream?: its how you get through class
What's your favorite kind of dog?: cody!!!
What day of the week is it?: wednesday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? scrambled
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: yeah
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Lindsay <--- thank you erica!!!  ...and its true

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?: yeah
Do you use fly swatters?: im not around flies
Have you ever used a foghorn?: yes

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?: mmmm, yes
Are you a giver or a taker?: giver
Do you like gummy candies?: yuck, no

The Letter H
How are you?: im a little hungry
What color is your hair?: omg, i dyed it today, and it came out black...oops

The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream?: mcc!
Have you ever ice skated?: i hate ice skating
Do you play an instrument?: your mom

The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean?: the non-jelly bean
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: yes
Do you wear jewelry?: ericas

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?: the hair color people, the box didnt tell me my hair would be jet black
Do you want kids?: noooooooooo

Letter L
Are you laid back?: definitely not
Do you lie?: allllll the time

The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?: stranger than fiction was so good, i hope people go out and see it, and to answer the question, i like too many movies
Do you still watch disney movies?: not really
Do you like mangos?: i love mango salsa!

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?: boogit, lindin, lindsay face
Whats your favorite number?: whats your number.... ; )
Do you prefer night or day?: night

The Letter O
Whats your one wish?: to not go back to boone for a little bit longer
Are you an only child?: nope
Do you wish this was over?: we're only at o!!!

The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about? locking the door at night

The Letter Q
Are you quick to judge people?: oh man, im trying

The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?: no,but i have a hard time letting it go when i find out im wrong
Do you watch reality tv?: oh yes
What's a good reason to cry?: if you need to?

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: sun
Do you like snow?: yes
What's your favorite season?: winter

The Letter T
What time is it? 11:35
What time did you wake up?: 8:45, i had to go to victorias secret sale!!!!
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: like 10th grade

The Letter U
What kinda underwear do u have on?: wouldnt you like to know

The Letter V
Whats the worst veggie?: asparagus
Where do you want to go on vacation?: NY
Where was your last family vacation to?: DC

The Letter W
What's your worst habit?: cocaine
Where do you live?: Boone or the boro

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: yeah
Have you seen the x-games?: yes, i like the winter ones better
Do you own a xylophone?: dont we all?

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?: sometimes
What year were you born in?: 1985
Whats one thing you yearn for?: sweaters

The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?: aquarius
Do you believe in the zodiac?: i read it a lot
What's your favorite zoo animal?: ummm, i like the meercats
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