ROFL. Emily Foxler is awesome. Also. I NEED YOUR HELP GUYS

Aug 02, 2010 05:50

OKAY SO. This is Killer Pad. I checked out the trailer because Emily Foxler is in it. ANNNND. First off, this shit is pure horro crack. Its so stupid, it should be funny. SO I want to check it out. SECONDLY. OMG GUYS. PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT THE SONG WHEN EMILY TURNS AT 0:46 SECONDS.

EDIT: NEVERMIND FOUND IT. Also. Thank you nyx4 for being awesome and confirming the song. (I just looked it up which means somehow our minds were synched? idk rofl)

image Click to view

Also. Quote from the movie which I find oddly hilarious:

Lucy = Emily Foxler.

Brody: Oh my god.
Lucy: God's not gonna help you now, Brody.
Brody: I hope not.

Brody: You've got a penis!
Lucy: I've got a vagina too.

Brody: It all makes sense. How could we have been so blind?
Craig: What?
Doug: What are you talking about, Brody?
Brody: Don't you see? The hellacious stench, the ungodly heat, the forbidden fruit. I know what did this. It was a bunch of God damned squatters!
Doug: You think weightlifters did this?

Brody: Boys, save yourselves. Lucy's the devil!
Craig: I don't even care.
Brody: Let me offer some words of persuasion: She has a penis!
Craig, Doug: [scream]
Doug: Holy camel foot! Deal breaker!

Brody: We will sing a holy song to defeat those evil, hot, evil bitches!
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