Destined for Greatness ; Richard Rahl

Nov 29, 2012 23:04

Written for legendland
Image prompt: 

It’s rare moments such as these that Richard is able to pull his sword for other reasons than fighting.

Today, he stands in the sunlight, basking in it’s warmth and how the ability to feel such a thing is but one reminder that he is alive. There had been a time when he was accustomed to spending his days like this, enjoying every breath he took.

Catching his reflection in the steel of his sword, he’s reminded, too, of the changes he’s gone through, and how his features are as much the same as they are different.

Destined for greatness, his father had said.

The journey that he’d set out on two years prior has added more definition around his eyes, his brow tight with tension. His eyes are deeper, wiser; they’ve seen more than most. His hands that had blistered frequently from the hilt of his blade are now calloused over, rougher than a woods guide’s touch should be.

He bears scars and sorrows, ones that cut as far and as deep as his soul, ever existing reminders that he has come a long, long way.

Shifting the blade in the light, Richard lowers his gaze to his fingers curled around the hilt. The word TRUTH bites into his flesh, and by now, it’s imprinted upon his spirit in large, bold lettering.

He is the Seeker.

There’s a breeze, then, and it comes upon a brief chill and soft howl, almost like the sound of a breath being expelled slowly into cold, night air.

His eyes come up, finding his reflection, brows furrowed lightly until he sees the ghostly apparition forming just over his shoulder. The sword trembles in his hands before he stiffens, gray eyes widening at the appearance of a man long gone, a man he missed day in and day out.

That familiar, proud lift of the figures mouth makes Richard’s chest burn with longing.

“I knew you were meant for more than just clearing trails,” his father murmurs lovingly, and his hand is a warm sensation upon his shoulder, spreading down and igniting the love for life within. “my son.”

For the sake of that which has been lost, Richard smiles.

Yes, he would be great.

richard cypher rahl, fanfiction, legend of the seeker, legendland

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