Fic; Don't Tell Zedd the Babysitters Dead

Oct 17, 2011 01:01

Title: Don't Tell Zedd the Babysitters Dead
Characters: Richard/Kahlan (if you're squinting), Zedd, Cara
Rating: PG
Word Count: 798
Summary/Prompt: Get In Touch With Your Inner Child" - RKZC or other Midlands characters are magically transformed into kids 13 or under.

Author's Notes: The title is more for implication's sake. It's not literal. Written for legendland


“You really expect me to look after them while you’re gone?” Cara huffed, rolling her upper body towards the two kids playing near the stream. They splashed each other continuously, laughing loudly with no regards to the two adults speaking near the bridge.

Zedd inhaled deeply, his face cast in shadow, but the Mord’Sith saw the underlying smirk in his eyes. He was enjoying this. “I have to find out more about this particular spell. Shota is the only Witch I know who would use such magic, and you and I both know that whenever she is involved, it’s never good news for us.”

Cara thought it over for a moment, casting her eyes towards Richard and Kahlan, in miniature bodies with an estimated age of ten years old. “Fine,” she relented, crossing her arms over her chest, “we‘ll wait for you in the next village.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Don’t worry, consider this practice for when you have children of your own.” Zedd turned to leave, the previous subtle hint of a smile transformed into a broad grin. He could already feel the glare being shot into his back from behind.

“You’re very funny, Wizard.”

Whipping around, Cara let out an exasperated breath, her red leather creaking as she made her way down towards the creek.

Kahlan laughed gleefully, holding her hands up in defense of Richard’s persistent splashing. She couldn’t believe how cute Richard was at this age. His hair grown out just as it was now, his boyish features were recognizable from the glimpses she had seen whenever he slept or woke up looking for trouble. The adventurous spark in his eyes at this age even brighter, she couldn’t believe how much more it made her love him.

Apart of her felt cheated that she had missed out on him as a child.

“Do you think we should tell them?”

His question brought the young Confessor out of her thoughts, and she noticed that he wasn’t soaking her through the clothes with copious amounts of water. Glancing behind her towards Cara, she smiled to herself, watching Zedd make his way towards the higher mountain regions.

“That we remember everything?” Looking back to Richard, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes mirrored her own. She gave him half a smirk, shaking her head slowly. Her voice was soft and small, full of innocence. “No.”

Richard’s smile suggested that he didn’t think the Mord’Sith needed to know either. As Cara came to the edge of the stream, calling them in, Richard and Kahlan tossed each other a look before laughing and running towards her.

The Seeker flew into her, his arms latching around her waist. Cara froze instantly, looking down at the top of his head. Kahlan snagged her arm, grinning up at the blonde with childish abandon shining in her blue eyes.

“What are you doing? We need to get going, it’s not safe here.” The attempt to shrug them off was futile. Richard’s vice like grip surprised her with his immature strength. Kahlan continued to sway on her arm, peering up beneath dark lashes, wavy long hair caught in the wind. Cara always imagined Kahlan to be a button nose innocent, but to look overly adorable should have been a crime. It annoyed the Mord’Sith to no end. “What is it? We need to go.”

Richard and Kahlan steeled their laughter. “Tell us the story again, pretty please, Aunt Cara.”

“I’m not your Aunt, and it wasn’t a story. The Wizard told you the truth.”

“But we want to hear it again.” Richard insisted, backing up Kahlan.

With a roll of her eyes, the blonde blew out a sigh and reluctantly agreed to recount the tale- so long as they kept quiet and did as they were told.

Walking along on either side of the Mord’Sith, both Richard and Kahlan had slipped their hand into hers. They knew how uncomfortable it was making her, which only added to their pleasure of the experience. It wasn’t often they managed to unravel the Mord’Sith in such a way.

“You have to start out with ‘once upon a time’,” Kahlan interrupted when Cara finally began to speak.

“Once upon a time,” Cara shot a glare down at the child, turning her eyes back in front of her. “There was a boy,”

“Richard!” Kahlan squealed.

“Yes, Richard- and you lived in a world without magic. One day, Kahlan left her home in Aydindril to find you. She brought you here to the Midlands so you could save the world.”

“I’m the Seeker.” he smiled proudly.

“And I’m the Mother Confessor!” Kahlan beamed.

“Anyway-” Cara interjected, shushing them both with an indignant huff. Richard and Kahlan shared a knowing look.

They were going to have fun with this one…

character: zedd, fic: prompts, character: richard, author: mcc2040, rating: pg, character: kahlan, character: cara mason, community: legendland, tv: legend of the seeker

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