Apr 18, 2006 20:04
things that suck really bad:
finals a week before everyone else
rent money
money in general
i'm might not be going to florida anymore
the fact that i'll probably NEVER get into any nursing program
aaron leaving for a year
and as if all that wasn't stressful enough... (mind you...all of that is happening within a period of two weeks...) -- i find out today that my mom might have to get open heart surgery.
i dont give a damn if it's routine or textbook... or if they do seven a fucken day. it's my mom. the most important person IN MY LIFE. and it's her heart. that they're going to cut into.
im this close to just quitting.
quitting everything.
everything sucks.
i'm so sick of all this stress.
it's never going to go away.
it's not even gonna get better for at the very least another fucken year...
i seriously hate life right now.
i've NEVER hated life.
i'm done. i quit.