Countdown to unemployment?

Feb 01, 2010 12:03

Tomorrow, the RFP for our federal grant is supposed to be released. From everything we've heard, we will have six weeks to submit it, although that has not been confirmed. I guess we won't know until tomorrow when we get the tome to which we must then submit our own!

So, that basically means that I will be working crazy mad hours over the next six weeks or so to help with whatever I can to get this proposal put together. We've been working on our proposal for almost a year already, preparing for what we think might be in the RFP. Of course, once the RFP comes out, we could discover that all our work was in vain. That's not likely, but at this point, it's a crapshoot. We may be dead on or we may have significant work ahead of us - on top of the stuff we're already trying to pull together. Needless to say, the next six weeks are going to be busy, stressful and exhausting... followed by several months of just waiting to find out whether or not we've received the funding.

What makes this so important? Well, 50% of my salary is paid off this grant. Without this grant, I have no job. And, neither do most of my colleagues.

So, yeah, this grant is hugely important to my future! It's supposed to start August 15, so hopefully, we'll know by mid-July whether or not we've gotten it.

In the meantime, off to stress! LOL.
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