Dec 04, 2009 09:22
Last night after having dinner with Mike, Jamie, and Eli, I popped the Corpse Bride into my DVD player. Never seen it before, but I've many people give it luke warm reviews.
I actually liked it. I did not know how the story was going to unfold (except ... well, I new one character would get his just rewards ... but the how escaped me). I found myself liking all the principal characters, Victor, Victoria, and Emily.
The setting was rich, the pace of the film was good, and there were characters I could emotionally relate to. Oh, and there was a characteristic Burtonesque dark humour (which I love).
The film is not Nightmare Before Christmas, and I'm glad. Oh, I like Nightmare (though I've not watched it in several years). But Burton has done that, and we can return. A sequel for the sake of revisiting characters can work or can risk changing whatever iconic characteristics we might love in their first adventure.
The more I think about it, I wonder how much Victor exists within me. Oh there is some, to be sure.