I complained earlier about the foul-smelling, pirate-themed temporary tattoos that are making their way around the office. Well, as it turns out, I think I may have wasted your time. Don't get me wrong, they still smell like balloon-animal day at the old-folks home, but since writing, I've added 300% more temporary tattoos. The smell is strong enough now that I think it may be affecting my digestive tract. I feel like the chances of me violently vomiting or pooping have increased markedly on a direct account of the temporary-tattoos. And yet, I continue to add them... I have my eye on another, the sword wielding dragon. (but mainly because I don't see why a sword-wielding dragon would be included in a pirate-set of temporary tattoos.)
If today has taught me anything, it's that I should avoid real tattoos at all costs. I'm afraid I'd be one those people who would quickly go far north of the freak-line before the buyer's remorse had a chance to set in.
News from the seen in the office department:
The Packers had a very good weekend, the Cowboys did not, which makes the Packers' weekend even better. Though I stopped following football to an obsessive level when I turned 16, I do still get a little excited whenever the Packers do well. I also maintain my deep dislike of many things Texan, including and especially the Dallas Cowboys. Also, the other gay in the department is a very much active fan of the Cowboys, so that only adds to the competitive schadenfreude I'm feeling today. That being said, I'm not a fan of Packers Fans in general; and unfortunately, as this picture taken from my desk just moments ago demonstrates, everything you've heard about Wisconsin is true: