Ryan Has Poor Shirt Management Skills

Jan 09, 2008 15:14

I took a gamble today. I accidentally left my phone, which I also use as my alarm, on vibrate last night, so I could have overslept. Luckily, Sanjit woke up on his own about five minutes before my phone would have started buzzing, so it all worked out. Nonetheless, it was an abrupt way to start the morning and in my groggy stumbling around the apartment, I managed to pick the wrinkliest shirt I could find. Seriously, assuming they were miniature, athletic people could scale my shirt to get a better vantage point from the top of my head. I didn't realize until I had already put the shirt on and I was quite tired, so my lazy solution was to put on a light coat in the hopes the weight and humidity would take care of the wrinkles by the time I got to work. That didn't work, so I've been stuck in the coat all day. At the very least, I've looked very much on the go, so it's definitely not all bad. It also adds a little weight to the "I'd love to talk, but I'm on my way out the door" excuse as well. (bonus!)

In all fairness, I've been playing a lot of Assassins Creed lately, so I'm thinking of everything in terms of how easy it would be to climb. So maybe my shirt isn't quite as wrinkly as I make it seem.

The weather has been a bit end-times-y for the last few days with dense fog and January tornadoes (in the county next to my hometown.) It got into the mid sixties which is, I think, something like fifteen degrees higher than the previous record. Here, a view of downtown Milwaukee from the Hoan Bridge:

Aside from the fog, it's actually seemed a lot like Spring over the past few days. It's all going to be very depressing when we get half foot of snow tomorrow, which it sounds like we will, but at least then I can go back to hiding in my apartment guilt free. It's hard to be lazy when it smells like Spring.

weather, xbox, laundry, mornings, work, pictures

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