Ficlet: Golden

Jan 05, 2009 23:53

Bob's skin feels twitchy underneath his clothing and all he wants to do is strip the confining layers off bit by bit until he's free.  He wants to feel the crisp cold air playing on his bare skin, tickling the pale hairs on his arms, his legs, and lope through the autumn forest, scent of fallen leaves and pine needles rising from his footsteps.  He ( Read more... )

t~, mcr: bob bryar, fic, mcr, wv

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crowgirl13 January 6 2009, 13:04:41 UTC
You sneaky monkey!

This would be why you were asking about the mid-shift last night [gah, that state needs an actual name].

Seeing this on my flist made me so, so happy. I love it! It's very true to wolf!Bob - pretty much any variation on that theme, but it definitely feels like the WV version. This snippet dovetails nicely with that scene in the field, where he *does* listen to that urge. This is very lyrical, hon. I love how, despite the initial declaration of twitchiness, this whole piece moves at an almost dreamy pace. The continuing repetition of gold is excellent too; it's a good, concrete detail that helps lock in setting.

Line-wise, I particularly dug-

[...]tail streaming behind him, a stabilizing banner.

Theme-wise, it really struck me how frustrating it is to *be* a shifter and having to hide it all the time. Not that that's an unfamiliar theme with this lot, but this ficlet really drove the unfairness of that home. It's so sad, you know?

I'm also SUPER psyched that you wrote Weaveverse. Only bodhifox had done that before; it's so exciting to see. [Yeah, I know this is more bandom AU than anything, but STILL. Eee!:D]

In conclusion: Ooooooo! *hugs ficlet* *hugs you*

[I would like to point out that you have this tagged as pw; wv would be more accurate. :)]

Oh, and I'm stealing your icon. Just so you know. ;D


mc_rowe_manz January 6 2009, 19:08:39 UTC
\o/ I was hoping you'd like it. WV just came to mind when I saw the prompt.

Oh, btw, I discovered that you do quite a detailed description of the mid-shift form when they rescue Brian in House of Wolves, so the asking was sort of unnecessary once I reread that :)

I'm happy you liked the imagery - I tried to make it sound like it would fit into WV. Oh, and my brain does stuff without informing me - I picked the title to go with the song title thing you do and hadn't even realized that it created a theme by repeating the word - ninja brain or something - it's stealthy like that.

I like WV (and TS and PW) I almost tried a Frank fic for this prompt, but Bob must have sat on Frank or something because he just sort of elbowed his way in and insisted on talking (he's bigger than me so he won :) )

Yeah on the PW - I fixed it :) I'd just made the icon from the pic on the PW splash page so that's what I was thinking when I did the tags. And feel free to take the icon - it was from your Bob pic in the first place :)


crowgirl13 January 10 2009, 04:21:59 UTC
'Like' would be a massive understatement. :D

Oh right! Because I needed an outsider's POV of that whole thing. But really - those sorts of questions are *always* necessary. You know I figure more of this out as we talk it through.

You didn't realize that you were developing a theme? That's actually pretty exciting. As is the consept of brain ninjas. [I first typed 'brian ninjas'... which would be something else entirely.]

Hahaha! Bobmuse was being a bully. I admit that he gets pretty insistent on this end too - which is nice since, unlike other unnamed individuals, he tends to actually share complete thoughts.

Okay. And thank you again, darling. *MWAH*


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