Jan 04, 2008 19:24
I really do feel like shooting someone in the ass right now - mainly a certain co-worker of mine and whatever accomplices(s) he had to pull this stunt off. Lucky me that I'm so lucky or else I wouldn't have Coca Fire - my car - right now. An explanation would be in order of course...
Y'know the little static sheets you put in your dryer so your clothes don't come out all wrinkly and all? Found a fist full stuck up up under the engine itself when I went to get my oil changed today. That and part of a latex glove, a paper towel, and an elastic wrap of some kind. The tech, an old but nice guy, was wide-eyed, understandably and came over to show me this wad of insta-flame that was showing signs of being burnt by the heat already. Of course, I'm going, '...the hell?' since I'm pretty damn sure I don't knowing stuff such things into my engine of all things. Question is...how and when. My car's pretty low to the ground in the first place. Someone would have to be around my size to even reach an arm around my wheels, let alone shove stuff up under my engine. That and it had to had happen early this afternoon or even yesterday. If it was yesterday....*crosses myself* Thank you God it didn't catch fire.
So why do I suspect someone from work? Well, I do work at a laundry...but only one department handles the dryers that are small enough to still require the static sheets - and my main suspect has quite a few connections in that department as well. It's not the first time they've stirred up trouble like this. Tomorrow should be an interesting day, talking with an inspector and all that. Too bad he/she probably won't like my idea of just beating down that entire department until someone coughs up blood information on it.
Now to go vent the lingering fustration off with some good ol' SCIII...and maybe some DoA - I owe a Tengu a beatdowns anyway. Damn it, missed out on sparring night because of this foolishness too.
anger management,