Dec 01, 2005 17:45
I wanna take a fuckin loaded gun,
and toss it out of a high building, hoping it'll miss the closest person and scare the high hell out the them.
Or instead of the gun idea, just pennies.
Today wasn't good, or bad.
I got a print done in Printmaking. My face looks green.
Went to see some NCSA kids play in 4th period. Hung with Lyds and some pretty Kristen girl.
English is fun as always. Except now, we all tried to play hide and seek with Mr. Whiteside. He dropped a book and we all screamed. Pure fun.
Gots some music down in Jazz Band. Mr. Calvar had my forearm throbbing. New Rhythm idea.
The bus ride was nice. And confortable. I had too many thoughts in the back of my head.
They got conjested and made me sleepy.
The children got home and IMMEDIATELY started to piss me off.
I want the house to myself again. I mean, for like the week long stay I had once before. That'll be fun.
Now, I'm gonna go nap.
Tell me how Little Abner went, and I'll try and make tomorrows show.
Anyone wanna come with?