By Default - Your Life Has Been Asserted Into A New Meaning.

Jun 10, 2007 16:11

A spastic turn of events happens yet again. Maybe my fate is being tugged in the direction I want it to finally. Maybe swimming through a sucky muck of icky tricks has finally given way to the crystal blue ocean of my dreams. It seems like I'll be in control of my life once again.

I have a plan once I get out of basic training, which starts tomorrow evening. I leave for San Antonio for six weeks, and then I'm back for a little bit, in which I hope to be insanely busy with people aching to fill up their late summer plans.

I'm going back to Florida and try to reclaim what I think I've been sent to wait for. Maybe Grace is mine. Maybe not. But just in case, I'm going to go and find out. This feeling in my bones makes it feel like joining up with the Air Force worthwhile. Almost like she's one of the main reasons of my going.

But I still have to make plans. And that comes in six weeks.

Until then life, don't wait up.
Thank you for putting up with me world, Michael's going to grow up now.
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