New prompt!

Aug 21, 2013 17:24

I've been waiting for season two to finish before posting a new prompt/challenge. And now it's ended... And how... *sniff* *sob* *sigh*

We have to wait until November (!!!!), so let's get busy during the hiatus.

The new prompt is 'letters'. The letters in question do not have to be the letters, but it's fine if they are!

Fanfic can be any length, from drabbles up to multi chapters.

Fanart is definitely welcome! Icons, picspams, vids and other graphics!

Your contribution should include both Sharon and Rusty but feel free to use your favourite romantic Sharonship in your work as well.

Please use appropriate ratings or warnings when posting, and tag your entries 'challenge 05: letters'

challenge 05: letters

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