Oct 05, 2004 19:59
Hello again. This live journal is getting like a habit because all I have to do is sit and use my fingers. We do a journal in reading but, I hate writing tho it is very much boring to me displeasure. Man I having been doing shit in school. Not like d's or f's but, I got a high c in science like a 76 its just me but , I like to maintain a high average... not that I am an egg head or anything. I just have been fucking up in school.I also have been watching these debates... they are amusing some time. If you vote for Bush then you SUCK GIMP MONKEY ASS! >:0 I hate that fucker Bush it made me hate him more since I saw Michael Morrse's movie. I was tempted to fall asleep today but , then I would be up all night. On a lighter note I have enjoyed pissing this girl the hell of. Its awesome that way she reacts not in a flirt way but,a mean exiled way.