Jul 18, 2007 21:51
Today was pretty cool. I was in my office for two and a half hours rather than the usual eight. Why? Meeting, lunch, then "return briefing" from the astronauts of STS-117. This means they invite the whole center (meaning all of the interns show up) and give a little presentation, along with showing the first cut of the video they make on every mission. That lasted an hour, and after that they said, "Oh yeah. There's a party over at the park. We got pizza and wings. You should come over there now." Hell yeah--I par-tayed with the astronauts. Lasted all day, and I got pictures and autographs. Autographs to come if I ever get my scanner working; pictures may go on Facebook when Eric gets back to Colorado. (Long story.) (Yes, he is a Colorado School of Mines student. You may be jealous now--I sure am.)
“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”-Gandhi
I place lower-left of Gandhi on the two-axis political socio-economic chart. I am a libertarian anarchist dirtbag.