Please excuse my moment of extreme dorkiness and Englishness lol
Someone used "evil" a whole bunch in Tolkien the other day and as I listened to him repeat "evil" over and over again, I thought - that sounds like "weevil"! Which got me to thinking (and, unfortunatly, not paying attention in class).
"Weevil" broken down is "we evil". I remembered hearing somewhere that weevils could possibly be the evolved human of the future. Thanks to the powers of Wikipedia I learned "In the Torchwood episode "Combat", the 'Weevil Fight Club'[4] owner, Mark Lynch, theorises that the Weevils are mankind in the future when all that is left is rage; although the Torchwood website says that researchers in the 1950s noted they didn't appear to be derived from any known Earth-species" (Wikipedia). I can't help but wonder if Mark Lynch doesn't have something there though.
While I don't necessarily believe that all they have left is rage, I certainly think there's a very good possiblity for weevils to actually be an evolved form of human. They wear clothes for one thing. It seems as though many aliens do not tend to wear clothes and yet these one have the trait of covering themselves. And while they are always wearing the same Torchwood jumpsuits, I want to say I remember seeing one in normal clothes? But that could easily be my imagination. And while Torchwood may be the ones wrangling them into those jumpsuits, the weevils are not ripping off of themselves, so they seem perfectly alright wearing human clothes.
In a deleted scene from 1.7 "Greeks Bearing Gifts", Jack tells Tosh about the weevil, Janet. They found her attempting to bury her dead child. Jack says that it can mean two things, that it's a learned behavior or that they are capable of feeling emotions such as loss and affection. That puts weevils right up there with humans and elephants as the only beings who at least attempt to bury their loved ones.
It is believed that weevils communicate telepathicaly which puts them on whole different plane of communication than humans. While Tosh did show certain downsides to being able to hear others thoughts, the concept of being able to communicate long distances without picking up a phone or sending an e-mail is a truly interesting. Owen demonstrates his own abilities to communicate/control the weevils at the end of "Combat" when he looks at them very hard and hisses at them and the weevils retreat to the far end of their holding cells. He is also able to leave the hospital unscathed despite the weevils surrounding it in "Exit Wounds", they all move backwards from him as if out of fear or respect.
Because Owen was able to develop a way of communicating at least a little bit with the weevils shows that there is some sort of connection between the weevils and humans. Because "weevil" is "we evil" does this foreshadow what humans will eventually become in the future? Hopefully not, however the weevils seem to get along with each other well enough, like humans, however they do not get along with those that would hurt them, just like humans.
P.S. No, I did not just write an essay on weevils :P