Week #43: Results

Aug 15, 2010 11:05

First Place:

by twikami

Second Place:

by wockys

Third Place:

by rashiea

01. 2pts
02. 22pts
03. 14pts
04. 9pts
05. 13pts
06. 20pts
07. 5pts
08. 5pts
09. 7pts
10. 0pt

From now on, if you've won First Place for three times in a row, I ask you please do not submit for one week, this is just to give any other participants a chance of winning

Congratulations winners! If you would like a banner, please drop a comment here with your original image (or if you prefer a non-image banner please say so), textures/brushes and fonts you used in your winning icon.
mintychocolat is the bannermaker this week.
Don't forget to claim your prize at tcg_exchange if you participate there.
Week #44 is up already, check it out!

collaboration icons sign-up is still open, go sign-up if you're interested! right here

Affiliates | Banner Rotation | Pending Banners | Suggestion & FAQs

PS: I'll be finishing the pending banners and my banner to-do soon, since our bannermakers seem really busy these days. Sorry for the delay

week 43, winners

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