First Place:
haine_x3 Second Place:
lu_hesperia Third Place:
haine_x3 Best Crop:
haine_x3 Congrats on your triple win!
Congratulations, winners 8) If you would like a banner please drop a comment here with your original image (or if you prefer a non-image banner please say so), textures/brushes and fonts you used in your winning icon to help the banner-maker.
lefthandpenguin is the bannermaker this week :3
Don't forget to claim your prize at
tcg_exchange if you participate there.
Also, check out
Week #67 has already been posted~
Affiliates plug:
ff_lyrical - A lyrical final fantasy icontest !NEW!
adventawards - A Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children icontest
simple_icontest - An Animanga and Video Games icontest for simple icons