Character Application

Mar 26, 2009 11:36

Your name: fullmetal_cute
Email: fullmetal_the_cute at
AIM (optional): Katmaples
Character Name (given and code name(if applicable)): William Christopher Robin Kaplan (yeah, I’m awful). No code name yet.
Character's LJ:

Age: 20
Family: Rebecca Kaplan, Mother
Jeff Kaplan, father
Samuel Kaplan, younger brother
Joshua Kaplan, younger brother
Team affiliation (if any, otherwise please state alignment): None, and he’s on the side of the angels.
Powers and abilities: Flight, electicity generation, spellcasting.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Rather neurotic, tends to hold grudges, and only about as strong as an adverage human being, thus putting him at a serious disadvantage when it comes to hand to hand combat, especially against a super-human.

William Christopher Robin Kaplan’s life has been largely dominated by a quest for answers.

The first fifteen years of said life were fairly ordinary - he grew up the oldest son of Doctors Rebecca and Jeff Kaplan’s three children, and like many boys, was an unashamed super-hero fan (particularly of the Scarlet Witch). Unfortunately, like many boys, Billy was the target of bullies at his school for being “different”.

Nobody really realized HOW different Billy was until he almost killed another boy with a lightning bolt.

Anti-mutant hysteria forced the Kaplans to remove Billy from school, and eventually lead the family to leave New York all together. Billy would have preferred to turn to the Avengers for some kind of help, but the team was away on what would turn out to be their final mission until they reformed with completely new members.

Billy soon discovered that in addition to being able to generate lightning, he could cast spells (though not always successfully) and fly, abilities that he took great pains to keep a secret, eventually leading him to being a rather introverted and lonely young man. Much to his parents’ disappointment, after high school, Billy (now calling himself Will) left to travel the world in order to find himself... or more accurately, find the answers to how and why he had these powers.

World travel taught Will a great deal about both himself and his abilities, but there were always lingering, unanswered questions, and all the evidence that he could find told him that the answers to those questions could only be gotten from Wanda Maximoff, the long missing Scarlet Witch.

So when word finally reached him that the Scarlet Witch had been found, and was once again active in New York, he set out for his home city, looking for answers once again.

Writing sample:

Will Kaplan rummaged through his backpack until he found what he had been looking for since getting off the Greyhound bus; a Magic 8-Ball that had been given to him by an oracular lycanthrope in Alaska. He gave the ball a little shake, watching as the little thingie with all the words (he could never be bothered to remember what it was actually called) bobbed into view.

See Dormagus, it said, the white letters glowing faintly. He gave it another little shake, and an arrow bobbed to the surface, pointing the way. Will started walking, looking skyward every now and again. It made him look like a tourist, and he knew it, but he didn’t care.

You never knew what you might see in this city, if you only looked up.

Today, he was rewarded with a glimpse of the Fantasticar racing towards the Baxter Building, stopping just long enough to pick up New York’s new web slinger.

“I love this town.”


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