Welcome Home Santarium

Jan 21, 2009 20:16

Title: Welcome Home Sanitarium
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: none
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Tom’s time in the mental hospital

Warning: Un BETA'd

Notes: I have no clue if some one can take the doses of the drugs I’ve listed in this tale and not die or even if some one would even be prescribed them together. All my drug info came from MSN Encyclopedia
Disclaimer: this is fiction. I don't own

Welcome Home Sanitarium


Welcome to where time stands still
Where no one leaves and no will
The moon is full never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors no windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred
Sleep my friend and you will see
The dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can’t you see why my brain say’s rage
Sanitarium leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
In my fear of what’s out there
Can not breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I’m insane
They think our heads are in their hands
Violent youth brings violent plans
Keep him tired it makes him well
He’s getting better can’t you tell
No more care to keep us in
Listen damn it we will win
They see it right they see it well
They think this saves us from our Hell
Sanitarium leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Fear of living on native getting restless now
Mutiny in the air got some death to do
Mirror stand back hard
Kill is such a friendly word seems the only way
For reaching out again


Tom Hanniger sat next the window looking out at the hospital grounds. The cold spring rain washing away all traces of the dingy winter snow. Haleyview Sanitarium hidden in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains just far enough away from Harmony that no one would think to look for him there. Sarah and everyone else who asked were just told Tom went off to school or something equally mundane.

A week after the slaughter 29 people in the hospital and the mine Tom who was practically catatonic was shipped to Haleyview. Harry Warden haunted his every waking moment, his every fitful night. Tom could hear Harry’s snarling about bleeding the lines, the explosion. He heard the screams, Sarah’s screams yelling for him to hurry. No matter how fast Tom scrambled to get away Harry always there swinging the pick axe.

Everyday twice a day Tom was given 200 mg of Chlorpromazine, 20 mg Clonazepam and 800 mg of Clozpine to help his episodes. They often left him vacant eyed and drooling, but that was preferable to the nightmares he saw inside his head. Tom would rub his scar where the Harry’s pick axe sunk into his shoulder until the skin broke and the blood ran down over his fingers and arm.

The bell rang announcing lunch was about to be served. Tom showed no reaction like he hadn’t even heard it. He just stared out the window. One of the nursing assistants Cora came over to get him. “Come on Tom it’s time to eat. Look’s like one of your favorite’s chicken salad sandwiches.” Cora said with a sweet smile that reminded Tom of Sarah.

They were making their way toward the dinning room. Tom was concentrating only making his legs move forward. Cora had a gentle hand on his back. Tom looked up and froze. Striding across the dinning room the large black figure in a ventilator mask was Harry swinging the pick axe in a wide arc. Tom broke away frantically stumbling back. His green eyes wide with fear. “Cora! No! Run! He’s here! No! No! No!” Tom hit the far wall sliding down he curled himself into a ball waiting for the ax to fall.

Once Tom was secured in his bed Dr Ellicott made a call to Harmony to Tom’s father. “Mr. Hanniger sorry to disturb you. Tom has had another episode.” “Yes. Yes he was doing quite well on the lower dosages. No I don’t believe shock therapy is needed in Tom’s case. Yes I am aware that Tom has been with us for 5 years Mr. Hanniger. No sir I don’t think bringing him home to Harmony is a good idea. Too much trauma happened to him there his fragile grip would shatter completely. It’s my belief Tom should never return to Harmony for the sack of his own mental health.”
3 Orderly’s rushed forward knocking Cora out of the way. They quickly stopped Tom’s frantic struggle holding him tightly so that Dr Ellicott could give Tom a sedative.

2 days before Valentine’s Day

“Tom I wish you would reconsider going back to Harmony. Returning especially for the sale of the mine will bring you undo stress. The buyer can come here.” Dr Ellicott pleaded with his patient one last time. Of course Tom was no longer a resident of Haleyview he still saw Ellicott twice a week and took medication to help his mental stability. Ellicott had the horrible feeling that if Tom returned to Harmony he would loose his tenuous hold on his sanity in which he would never recover.

“Doc I am only going to be there maybe overnight at the most. Sign the papers get the money and I’ll be back here before the weekend.” Tom gave the doctor a shy smile collecting his pills Tom headed out to his jeep.

Everything would be fine…..

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