Apr 01, 2011 00:30
Books Finished in February 2011: None
Books finished in March 2011:
Libyrinth by Pearl North. (Started 2010) A Young Adult book. This was my "take with me to appointments" book. I enjoying it thoroughly (and bought the sequel -- in hardback as well -- in January). I'm curious to see more of the world she's created, and interested in learning where the story goes. I really enjoyed the way the words from other books (some of which I recognized!) played such a major role in the story. I was overjoyed that she identified the source books at the end. I was disappointed in myself for the several that were from books I had read, but had not remembered. I did anticipate one of the plot points, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment.
The Boy from Ilysies by Pearl North. (Started in March 2011) I took this with me to appointments -- and had many problems putting it down and not devouring it -- but work and home and friends kept me from just reading it nose to tail. The one disappointment was that when I googled to be sure I was spelling the name right, the website I found gave away a plot point that I might have anticipated, but had not yet encountered. It was a fun ride, although I think when I was younger and reading YA books, they were a little more innocent -- less sex, fewer hard choices -- than they are now. I still look forward to figuring out how Pearl takes us to the end of the 3rd book in this trilogy (which I don't have yet).