Oct 16, 2008 16:52
Today Hannah came over after breakfast and we went for a walk. It was fun! We eventually wandered over to fairchild and ate food - at one point two people were talking to me at once, more specifically, Hannah and Kirsten, and somehow I managed to split my attention between both of them so that I could hear them both at once and comprehend them both at once.
Interestingly, both were convinced that I was not listening to either of them. I could not speak nor look at either of them while engaging in listening, but once everyone shut up I could respond to both of them. Still, that was a complicated thing to navigate. I wish people were more sensitive to when other people were talking; or maybe I need to develop a signal to give to say one, letting them know that I will listen to them and respond when the time comes, but I am unavailable at present.
Something great that happened: I found Carina on facebook! finally! it's been over 3 years and I really want to see her/don't want her to disappear.
another great thing that happened: Aliza's radio show = totally awesome and we might get married next year. woah.
an intense conversation: Are power dynamics okay? Maybe they are only okay in sex? can we change our sexuality? should we?
I've been thinking a lot about abstinence this semester. although not practicing it. and the difference between affection and sexual energy.
and now I'm reading the sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel, and it is fun. I'm glad I study religion.