(no subject)

Aug 07, 2004 19:56

From the user info: mbp_hippies was created as an alternative to all the hate groups out there. We are the MBPers who feel that love is preferable to hate and hate is a waste of energy. We hate war, we love love, we love peace, and we hate haters. Haters are not welcome. Bashing of any kind will not be tolerated and if you post bashing someone or something, you will immediately be banned from commenting and removed.

All entries are to be locked. We encourage you to say "I would love to get high with blank. I would love to get high with blank and do blank. Sigh, blank. I can't live without blank. Blank and I attended a war protest today."

If you feel the impulse to bash someone, do not bring it here. That's what crypticmeanings, bluntmeanings, and numerous other communities have been created for. We're all lovers here.

If you would like to be added, leave a comment in owenwilson_'s journal or AIM at loco like owen, or leave a comment in sherylc's journal or AIM at SoakUpTheSheryl.

That's as good as the introduction's gonna get. Feel free to post more later, just remember any insults or rants directed toward anyone or anything negative at all will be deleted and you will be banned forever.