Jan 19, 2005 20:53
*Who are you? Mike
*What time is it? 8:50pm
[Sex, Intimacy, etc..]
*Describe your first kiss: I relly dont know any woman who have had a desire to kiss me
*ever taken a shower with someone else? Yes
*if yes, were they of same or different sex? same .. My dad when I was like 5
*do you believe that the color green subliminally make you horny? not relly....
*did you know thats why they made the green m&m a "sexy" female? that's cool...
*If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were? Yes
*If you were/are in a relationship and your boy/girlfriend wanted to save themselves for marriage, would you respect that and stay with them, leave them, or cheat? Most likeily
*Do you believe in schools only teaching about abstinence, or birth control methods as well? ??? repet the question
*Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? Not relly....
*When you asked where babys came from, what did your parents used to tell you? I think I just awalys knew ;)
*Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'? Nope I cant say that I have
*Do you believe that everyone masturbates, even if they deny it? Everyone has to have atleast tryed it one time of another :-p
*If you are sexually active are you responsible? I'd have to be
*Why is it more acceptable for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man? I have no idea thats just the way its ment to be I guess
*Which is the most intimate: oral sex, anal sex, or regular sex? regular
[Trust, Friendships, and just, people]
*Who has done something today to show they care about you? No one relly........
*What was the last compliment you received? I have received compliments?¿
*is it easy to gain your trust? sometimes .. depends who you are
*Is there anyone you trust completely? yea, but only a few
*Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone? Can the question be to bad plz?
*What would make you lose respect for someone? When people talk shit abought the persion I hvae a major crush on
*How do you know the difference between a "Real" person and a "fake" person? their personality
*Has anyone given you a second chance? If yes, who and for what? Yea, But I relly cant remember but I know everyone gets second chances
*Who needs to get over themselves? Brag, when he is shit faced
*Who can you be with, doing anything or nothing, and always have the best time? Vince, Moner, Steve
*Who can you only handle for a short period of time? My cuz when he gets weird lol
*Do you enjoy being in social situations? a small group... ya big group... im too much of a loser to experience that
*Do you push people away even if you really want them to come closer? The people I want to come closer naturily stay away..
*Do you consider anyone unworthy your friendship? Not at all, Im open to anyone accept a few people I just cant stand
*Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? I dont know about close but the Woman I love atleast use to agknowlage my presence
*Has anyone ever broken a promise to you, if yes what? Yes. none that stick w/ me
*Have you broken a promise to anyone else, if yes what? maybe, but either they got over it or i dont care
*How have any siblings influenced your life? My cusion because I want to be sucessful like he is
*Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? Vince, I couldent live life w/o him
*Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? Probily vince by going out of his way to hang out w/ me even sometimes when I can tell he relly dosent want to
*Have you ever used somebody? yes, I cant remember the kids name but I went over his house to use his mini ramp when I liked skateboarding even tho I hated him
*Has any one led you on, explain? Im not good looking enough to be capeable of something like that
*Who would you call in the middle of the night if you needed someone to talk to? Vince cuz I know he will awalys be there to listen
*Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? Ya sometimes when im with him
*Has someone ever held you back? not relly I dont think
*Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? Depends who I'm with
*Do you listen to other people's advice? Depends on who they are and how well I know them
*Do you neglect your friends when you have a signifigant other? Have I ever had a signifigant other?
*Did you forgive the last person that hurt you? yea
[Personal emotions, thoughts, and feelings]
*Although everyone has good and bad days, are you generally a happy person? Yes its hard to bring me down
*Do you generally understand why you feel the way you do? Sometimes
*What are you thinking right now? Something to fill in this question with
*What are you wondering? If I will ever have the balls to talk to the girl I have a crush on
*Do you think for yourself? Yes, well I try atleast
*What is one idea that your thoughts generally come back to? her
*Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel? Yes
*Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? Depends on who im talking to
*Would you write/say/think it anyway or avoid the situation? Probily think it
*Do you say what you mean? Not awalys, when someone talks bad abought her sometimes I agree but I awalys think to my self I want to fuck that kid up with some kinda weapon
*What is the happiest way you can start your day? Thinking I have a chance w/ her
*Does your happiness come from inside yourself or from other people? Probily inside czu when someone talks bad abought I might feel down but I dony drag it on longer than a day
*What keeps you happy? Friends, seeing her thinking someday ill talk to her again and ask her out
*Have you ever put your fist through the wall? I've kicked 5 holes in my walls at my old house and 1 at my dads
*Who do you blame things on? me .. its always me
*Have you ever been on anti depressants? No, but i need to be
*Do you suffer from stress? Only when im trying to do something thats chalenging
*Are you crying on the inside? sometimes... When I see her and know I cant have her(yet :-p)
*What makes you experience nostalgia? nostalgia?????????????????????
*When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? When I say things I shouldent have said
*What was a choice that you didn't want to make but you had to? i dont know
*Is there anything you feel unworthy of? Her love sometimes
*Why does the truth hurt? Sometimes yes
*When are you the most insecure? When im talking to women
*When was the last time you screwed up big time? All my life I slacked off in school and now wish I could go back and take the times to make all A's
*Are you quick to anger? Are you slow to forgive? When people talk abought her, I forgive easily I think
[Love, Relationships, etc...]
*Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? Heart..
*What is your status? Single and hating it every min
*Are you lonely? Relationship wise, Yes very
*Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? I have never relly been in a relationship so I dont know
*What is the cutest thing a guy/girl has done to show they like you? Someone has ever liked me?!?!?!
*What do people generally discuss when we talk about love? I dont know all people talk abought is sex...not love
*Would you rather like your guy/girl more than they like you, or have them like you more? I will love her until I die
*Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope
*If yes, how did you feel?-----
*Have you ever been cheated on? No...........
*If someone cheated on you, do you think they can ever go back to being loyal? Yes they desirve a second chance
*If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? not even a billion dollars could take my loyalty away from her
*Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? Never had 1 so I dont exactily know but I would hope it would be passion
[Random Questions]
*In what ways are you a conformist? conformist??????¿¿¿¿¿
*What do you think of the slogan 'you laugh because i'm different. I laugh becuse you are all the same'? Yes because everyone is different in all different ways
*Do you know what the game capture the flag is? YES Its a sweet game I have to say
*Have you ever stepped on, sat in, or been hit by bird poo? Not that I recal
*Do chirping birds just completely piss you off? No, Sometimes its good to here nature at its fullest
*Make up a superhero with really unhelpful powers: Someone who could make you fat as hell
*Where have all the COOKIES gone? Someone ate them??
*How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck'? so many lol
*Freestyle some poetry right now: I cant think of anything to freestyle like ever
*Have you ever misinterpreted song lyrics in a funny way and the words you thought were right made no sense at all, but you sang it anyway? yes awalys, Its hard for me to comprehend some words
[Do you..]
*Label yourself (Goth, Punk, Prep, Emo, etc)? Not at all
*Claim that your opinions and beliefs are RIGHT? I believe what I want ...
*Listen to only one style of music? Not at all I love almost everything
*Wear only one style of clothes? Nope
*Hate a certain style of music? That Punk ass gothic bull shit that makes all those fags go kill them selves
*Hate Life? No life is sweet at times :-p
*Hate everyone? Nope
*Hide your feelings rather than deal with them? Sometimes yes
*Hide things about yourself from others? Yes everyone dose
*Always think people are laughing at you? lol Sometimes I think people look at me weird
*Enjoy being home alone? Yes because I can do what ever I want when I want
[Finish the phrase...]
*It's always darkest before.. Theres light
*Don't bite the hand that.. goes in your mouth????????
*An idle mind is.. not good????????????
*Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.. or at you
*danger is.. Mt middle name
*just keep.. Dreaming
*never trusting.. Some poeple
*the way I live my life..How I want
*don't change.. for anyone but your self
*maybe someday.. i wont be such a failure
*Pain is.. the result of work
*All men like to hear... ???
*All woman like to hear.. If I only knew :'(
*complaining is a release... strength
*let's walk in the... sand Hand in Hand
*where did all these... People come from
*why can't i... be loved by her
*easier than.. a slut
*closer than.. a brother
*i'll stay if...you want me to
*love me... Ill love you back
*my mom thinks you're...cute
*are you.. loved?
*i miss... Herrr every minute of every day