Name/nickname: Nene
Age: 16
Likes: Cupcakes, kickboxing, cookies, writing, drawing, thinking of ideas for stories, swimming, ice-cream, cute animals (like rabbits and hamsters and cats and turtles 8DD)
Hates: Cockroaches, two-faced people, mathematics, studying
Hobbies (what you do for fun): Play games, write stories, draw, lurk on the internet, sleep
Motto/Statement/Belief A little faith can take you far.
Favorite book and movie: Book: Little Women, Northanger Abbey, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Black Tulip. Movie: Mulan(I bought pajamas with her on it when I was younger), The Man in the Iron Mask, Iron Man, Alice in Wonderland, Death Note, Kiiroi Namida, Pride and Prejudice, Emma.
Favorite color: All the shades of blue! :]
Favorite food: Unagi, pasta, galbi, instant noodles… etc.
Things you like about yourself: Kind, optimistic, I care about my friends a lot… that’s all I can currently think of, but I’ve been told by friends that I remind them of Tsukushi Makino from HYD. :|
Things you don't like about yourself: I don’t know, really. :| Maybe the fact that I’m overweight?
What are your future goals? That... is a secret. Okay maybe not. I actually want to be an idol.
Are you...
optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic.
impulsive or cautious?: Impulsive. :|
hyper or calm?: Both.
mature or immature?: Eh, I can be mature and immature depending on the situation.
kind or naughty?: Kind.
touchy feely or not?: Uh, no?
a leader or a follower?: Leader, but I think I’d rather be a follower.
If you had to leave for an long trip in five minutes, what would you grab? iPod, handphone, handphone and iPod charger, clothes, some cash.
An anti does something/sends you hate messages. What do you do? Blog about it and say something like “Haters gonna hate.”
If you could be in a movie, what kind of movie would you choose?: Romantic comedy or a slice of life drama.
Fav MBLAQ song: 4 Ya' Stereo
Fav MBLAQ music video: Y (Those pants were dazzling okay)
Fav MBLAQ look (ie Oh Yeah, GOOD L.U.V, more to come :) Oh Yeah
Fav MBLAQ member and why: G.O, because moustache never dies.
Fav MBLAQ pairing and why: Mm, don’t have one.Sorry. T_T
Congrats, you've been recruited by JT Camp!
What is your talent? Rap, variety shows.
What would your image be? (ie: cute magnae, confident leader, older sister/brother, band mom, skank, funky, innocent/angel): Magnae, I guess.
They've asked one of the MBLAQ boys to help you train, which one would it be and why? Please oh please ^_^ be specific: Joon. He seems like someone who’d be a good trainer, minus the possible bullying.
Uh oh, looks like JT Camp can't afford any more dorms D: which MBLAQ member would you room with (or perhaps not room with) and why? (please refrain from too much you know what:) I’d probably end up rooming with Mir because I think we’d get along just fine.
JT Camp decides a scandal would be good for business. Who/what would you be involved with?: Probably Eli from U-KISS, with a “CLOSE FRIENDSHIP, OR SOMETHING MORE?” or maybe Leeteuk because I’d want him to pick me up from the dorm if I had stalkers waiting outside.