Pairing: None (yet)
Disclaimer: O_o
Rating: G (for this chapter, it's going to become R though)
Comments: Chaptered fic. This is the prologue, so it's like....tiny. It's crossed over with U-Kiss, or will be.
Summary: Where am I?
Where are we?
No eyes, no ears could see or hear through the pitch black darkness. There was absolutely no sounds coming from around the room; if it was a room.
Just where are we?!
I wanted to know. My heart was pounding through my chest at a rate that I didn't think was even possible and it scared me. I just had no idea if the rest of my group was even here... This place was scaring me, even if I couldn't see. I could tell though... that I wasn't going to come out unscathed. If my group members are here, are they safe? Is everyone alright?
The darkness that surrounded the room was hostile, as if provoking something. Nothing seemed to be able to get passed it. It scared me and what I feared the most was yet to come...
Who knew that now, the game of Life was about to begin.