Title: L.O.V.E. You
Rating: K+
Summary: The three times Joon says "I love you", and the one time Seungho says it back.
Disclaimer: A figment of my imagination; don't own MBLAQ, Rain does. Also, all mistakes belong to me.
Author's note: My first time writing an MBLAQ fic so comments are greatly appreciated (:
Here! Title: One
Rating: K+
Summary: Something is bothering Joon, and Seungho makes it his job to find out.
Chapter: 1/3
Disclaimer: Own nothing but the plot. All mistakes belong to me too.
Author's note: Can be seen as a sequel to L.O.V.E. you, or can be read on its own. The three chapter may appear a little disjointed but are meant to be linked to each other. Please read and comment!