Title: A Difference of Opinions
Pairing: AC (Joon/Seungho)
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG
Prompt: 01. Red
Warnings: Slight suggestiveness
Summary: Seungho hates Joon's favorite color until G.O. intervenes.
Notes: Written for the "MBLAQ 30 Drabbles Challenge". The rest of my drabbles are archived at my journal.
A Difference of Opinions)
Title: Maturity
Pairing: Mir/Seungho
Genre: General
Rating: G
Prompt: 09. Rehearsal
Warnings: None
Summary: Mir thinks he's the grown up one, but he still needs some looking after.
Notes: Written for the "MBLAQ 30 Drabbles Challenge". The rest of my drabbles are archived at my journal.
Title: His Favorite Sound
Pairing: G.O./Joon
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Prompt: 20. Live On Stage
Warnings: Slight suggestiveness
Summary: Joon loves G.O.'s voice more than anything.
Notes: Written for the "MBLAQ 30 Drabbles Challenge". The rest of my drabbles are archived at my journal.
His Favorite Sound)