Title: With Friends Like These (1/?)
Author: himawarixxsandz
Pairings: JoonHo, JongKey, DooSeob, KiWoon, JunSeung, minor!2Min, minor!JongKi (Jonghun/Hongki), minor!YongSeo
Rating: PG-13
Summary: High school is hell, unless you have friends like these.
A/N: So....this is chapter one. And the title sucks because I don't know what to name a generic highschool AU. Writing multichap is a lot different and harder from oneshots so this is still kind of like the pilot for you guys to see my writing style in a sort-of-new-genre-but-not-really. Also, I still haven't finished the Junseung backstory, but what's happening right now will make a lot more sense when I do. -___- whenever that will be because GUH it's so hard.
Chapter One )