
Jun 26, 2008 11:38

Bea: Mama, what’s a uterus? Where is it in our body?

Me: Uterus? It’s in our tummy, it’s the one that holds the baby. Why?

Bea: Hmmm..nothing, did you read my email?

Me: (thinking…) Ah yeah, about the radiation thing?

Bea: Yup! Is it true??? Well, I want to have babies, so don’t call me much anymore. I won’t put my cellphone anymore in my pocket..just in my small bag…

She now turns to his kuya  (brother)…

Bea: Kuya, better not put your cellphone in your pocket-it will ruin your uterus, you wont have a baby anymore…

Kuya Cholo: Whaaaat??? Bea! I don’t have a uterus!!! Mama!!!! (please explain).

I guess they haven’t taught reproductive system in Grade 4 yet…My daughter-at 10, so gullible :-)

I really don’t know if the email is true or a hoax..I guess nothing to lose if we take precautions.

----- Original Message ----
From: Bea 
To: Mabel 
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 11:45:58 AM
Subject: Fw: Fwd: caution................on use of cellphones !

Where do you keep your Handphone normally?

This morning I heard a true and sad story from a colleague of mine. She told me one of her friends is always having miscarriages. When the baby gets to be 2-3 months old she loses it. This happened several times over. The couple went to check with many doctors and at last one of the doctors examined the dead baby and found that the baby's body cells kept dying as the baby was growing in the womb until he/she could not survive.

This was because her uterus was affected by HANDPHONE RADIATION ! The doctor told her she now has no chance to give birth to a healthy baby because the radiation has affected her uterus so that the major portion of the cells in her uterus have already died.

This happened because she has been keeping her handphone in her working jacket so that the phone rested against just on the right spot of the uterus. She had been wearing it like this for a few years.

Please beware of this and take note if you don't want what has happened to this woman to happen to you.


reproductive system

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