Post 200!!!

Jun 13, 2005 03:04


It has taken me quite some time to get to post #200, being that I'd go through periods where I wouldn't post for a month. But I've reached this milestone, and so, I am compelled to actually write something insightful.

I find that I have to take life one day at a time, with a 'whatever happens, happens' motto. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be able to take things so well. It's not that things are going bad right now. In fact, I'm happy right now. But, I do feel that looking long-term would take that happiness away. I just don't want to think about the proverbial tomorrow, while I'm still in today. I have two more years of college, and I want to enjoy these years. I don't want to let anything, or anyone ruin these final 2 years of semi-freedom. In my experience, worrying about what will happen keeps me from enjoying what is happening. Now, I'm not saying that you should plan for the future, but don't let tomorrow control today.

Another thing that's keeping me happy is not worrying about other people's problems. Simply put, they don't affect me. It's not that I don't care about them, because I do. I try to do anything I can to help. However, if it's out of my hands, then I accept that there is nothing I can do. I have my own stuff going on, no sense in adding the burdens of someone else onto my shoulders. I've tried it before, and all it did was drag me down. So, no more of that.

It looks like I'm going to be living with my parents again in the fall. As much as I like the freedom of my own, it's probably best if I don't. That, and I like living on the Indiana side of the river, and can't find someone to move over here. It's sooooooooo far away from campus. Living here with Jacob has been very good. Much better than my other apartment experience, but that wouldn't take much. Living at home won't be so bad. Hell, I'd be there now if Jacob hadn't taken the spring semester off. My parents have mellowed a lot since I graduated from high school. It won't be so bad. But, they are conservative about me having girls over, but that's one of those tomorrow things that I'll deal with when I have to.
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