glass jar

Sep 18, 2007 08:07

I am living with the 33 year old i've always talked about and I work and go to school so much that its hard to get on here when I like. I just bought an ellipticle yesterday because I've been falling off for 2 months big time. I am going back to my own starving ways. Plus my man is hella thin and in shape and it makes me feel like a tub of lard.
He used to make me feel like life can be better after all, but now he brings me down and acts like he doesnt like doing things for me, but he's a "nice guy and its his duty". I dont ask for much, but dayyyuummm. like he couldnt even lie with me on the couch and watch a freakin movie without complaining 2 days later about how I made him do it and he didn't like the movie because it was crap. that really hurt my feelings! I thought he wanted to do that with me, but now I know I can never ask even the most simple things of him without it blowing up in my face. I'm depressed again and -1000 calories. I want to always be negative. I want to starve myself to death. I want out of this place, out of this life. My boyfriend and I act like an old married couple. we go to bed at 9 and sometimes before. I said I was thinking about going out and he flipped out on me. we dont ever go out unless we are picking up food from the store or shower curtains or other married couple needs. I'm trapped in a glass jar and its becoming foggy........very foggy.
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