Eastercon 2016 - Mancunicon

Apr 29, 2016 16:34

Thursday morning caught the train to London, walked from St Pancras to Euston and caught Virgin train to Manchester. Met RR at the station and we decided to catch the train to Deansgate (as it was raining and out tickets were valid to this station)
Arrived at the Hilton Deansgate at 2:30, had a quick look around then off the the YHA Manchester, 10 minutes walk away, in a four bed room and got the bottom bunk.
Spent over an hour at MOSI, (Museum of Science & Industry) looking at tech, old engines, planes and trains. Went to bed really early (8:00!!!)

Good Friday
The hostel served a full english breakfast for £5.25 including cereal, juice, tea and toast. fry up included sausage, bacon, beans, scrambled eggs, tomato and "hash browns", equivalent at the con hotel was over £15!
Went into the city centre to do some shopping, and to see how it had changed since my university days!
Met I & C once back at the con hotel, attended the opening ceremony, checked out the art show and attended a number of program items. One of the most memorable was the Meganovel new Hugo category - discussion pro and con.
Art show -party with wine and OJ. went to the filking for a short while but left early 10:15 and then to bed.

Full english breakfast angain at hostel, walked to con hetel by 9:30 for GoH talk how space science happens by Dave Clement, this was follwed later in the morning with my favourite program item The SF Foundation Lecture "The Mathematics of Juggling" by Colin Wright
GoH interview with Sarah Pinborough, was followed by the BSFA awards. GoH Aliette de Bodard won in both Best Novel and Best Short Fiction! The first time the same author has won both awards in the same year.
Last thing was "An adventure in time and space: 53 years in 53 rels." a performance compressing all the Doctor Who stories into just over an hour.
With the clocks going forward I was in bed by midnight (11pm)

Easter Sunday
First in for breakfast, walked to con in time for 9:00 Easter service, well attended. went to the New Orleans in 2018 brunch, tea coffee cakes and sandwiches. Talked new orleans and Bujold!
Joined both next year's Eastercon (Innominate "The Con with No Name" 14th to 17th April 2017), and the year after (Follycon 30th March to 2 April 2018)
Went out for fast food chicken dinner (much cheaper and hotter than hotel offering) but had to brave wind and rain!
Met up with K (from LMB List) before 8:00 and chatted to 9:40 discussed Bujold, Ebooks, tatting & other stitch related hobbies, juggling, ballroom dancing, MOSI, standards, family.
Back to hostel and early to bed!

Easter Monday
A bit later for breakfast, confirmed the other early eater was also at Eastercon! Went to Worldcon 75 Q&A with questions about next year in Finland (everyone should get a free bus/tram pass!)
Interesting presentation about the appearance of the nearby Jodrell Bank radio observatory in various Science Fiction films and TV
Chatted to I & L (also via LMB list) then to closing ceremony. Went back to MOSI for half an hour (before it closed) then read in con hotel for a bit.
Saw I & L again and chatted & hugged! Left con hotel for last time and returned to YHA Hostel.

Caught train home!

eastercon, manchester

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