Dec 24, 2013 15:24
I'm on two different shift patterns at work, 9-5 and 8-4 they alternate every week. On the first couple of days at work I sat with JA learning the ropes
My normal travel route to work is via Brighton, where I change trains. On my way home I get a train to BH where I change. Unfortunately there are no direct trains to Durrington-on-Sea. The office is only 30 seconds walk from the station so it's very convenient.
By the end of the first week at work I was answering the phones on my own.
Still dancing on Tuesday though it's a bit tight getting to Crawley for 7:00 when I an working til 5:00 (I have to eat before travelling). Whereas on the early shift I can eat in Crawley. Paid for my New Year dance ticket. Also J on holiday most of the month, so no partner for later dance class.
Renewed domain for website.
First Monday in the month was the meeting of the Brighton SF Reading Group at the Earth & Stars in Brighton were we had a fairly lively discussion of the Moon is a Harsh Mistress and confirmed Man Plus for next month.
Got a Sky wifi box which allows me to connect to the internet and download media on demand. The first program I downloaded was the 2nd episode of the new series of Haven (unfortunately the fist episode wasn't available).
First week salary was paid into my bank account. Had my eyes tested and got two new pairs of glasses.
Sat my final two tests for Business Admin L3 and got confirmation that I had passed both, meaning that I had completed my certification.
Ordered my first CD from Big Finish (Dr Who: Fanfare for the Common Men) downloaded to iPod.
Mum had to have an operation removing her eye! Surgery went well, and she came home sooner than anticipated.
Storm on the last weekend of the Month, Trains disrupted on the Monday - tried to get to work but only got as far as Brighton before giving up and going home.
BBC starting the lead up to Dr Who 50th Anniversary on 23 November.
Ordered two tickets for Strictly Social Dancing @ the Hawth for J & I and I saw Vampires Rock at the Theater Royal in Brighton.
dr who,
ballroom dancing,
book club