Nov 02, 2012 13:44
Friday 12 Oct
Last day at current job.
Still writing reports, rather than management (which SG did while I was away).
Got flu jab at Newton's surgery followed by blood pressure test. Took half hour in total. Did some shopping, saw Strictly Come Dancing Live!
Went Rewards finished ITQ Level module at last. Arranged for test on Thursday. Saw asthma nurse (need to see her again in 1-2 months). Then saw Dr H re finger pain. Skype call from sister in Spain (no video).
Initial JSA sign on now has to be online or by phone. So used web to sign up took nearly an hour!
Saw Chiropractor, for the first time since being in Spain.
Made some new business cards, went to Job Fair in Crawley then had to wait (ate at BK, went Lib) til evening to go dancing, got there early and got shanghaied (for free) into the early class, K came back for the advanced class!
Went to Rewards to complete ECDL Essentials module, got 97%. Waited in KFC (with free wifi) and had coffee before going for first JSA interview. When I got home my Raspberry Pi had arrived. It was the version 2.0 with 512MB of memory (as announced only a few day previously).
Had someone from Ultra Energy trying to sell me Solar Panels (electric) which at first I went for, but then cancelled.
Continued with "Learn to Program" completed Week 4 Exercise and Assignment 2.
Bought a new oil heater from Lidl, had some difficulty getting it home, but managed using my trusty trolly. This purchase was to allow my bedroom to be heated at a lower cost than th fan heater I had previously used.
I've been sending out emails to many different job applications
Got two signed copies of "Captain Vorpatril's Alliance" by Lois McMaster Bujold. One for me and one for LMB list owner Mel. Sent her copy on to her.
Went to Crawley, ate at Jubilee Oak, dancing with K but had to catch 4 different trains to get there (still only took half an hour!). Got a lift to station so got home by 10:40
Continued with "Learn to Program" completed Week 5 Exercise. Went to Crawley for end of month social dance. K sent text that she couldn't make it so didn't dance much. Did get a quickstep and cha cha, and a couple of sequence dances. Left at 9:35 so I could get the 10:01 home.
itq test,
job hunting,
raspberry pi,
signed book,
oil heater,
ballroom dancing