Jul 19, 2012 21:38
And once again I forget to update at the weekend.
At the end of last month I went to The Hawth for the Crawley Folk and Beer Festival on the Friday evening and all of Saturday. Met Keith from juggling, listened to Touchstone and Cajun Dawgs before bein collected by K and left after 6.00 to go Ballroom Dancing at St Wilfrid's Schools. Danced a fair bit and almost got the Foxtrot completly correct.
Finished at 10:15 K gave me a lift to the bus station from whence I got the number 10 bus to Gatwick and then home!
We continue classes every Wednesday, and recntly have had an influx of students as the Tuesday class has stopped for the school holidays (it's held at St Wilfrids). This has meant more of a crush, and the foxtrot teaching has been ongoing. Until last week we didn't learn anything new, but yesterday we started to re-learn the Jive!
Since I wasn't home on Saturday I had to go into town on Sunday to do my shopping. After I started watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube. They are awesome.
I've been going to a chiropractor twice a week, but now have got to the point where once a week is enough. I do have to get into the habit of exercising correctly. Since I have managed to get into the habit of playing ukulele for 5-10 minues a day I SHOULD be able to exercise for a similar time every day but....
Recently my Sky+HD box automatically upgraded it's operationg system, the styling is prettier and it will now conect to the internet (if you plug an ethernet cable in) even if your supplier is not Sky. Now if only it had some browsing capability that would be cool.
On Thursday 12th June I went down to Brighton to see "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Radio Show: Live" at the Theatre Royal. This was excellent, during the first half I suprised myself in knowing amost all the dialogue dispite not reading the books or listening to the radio for years. The second half however seem to diverge from the narrative I remembered 9though it may have used the books or even the newer audio series). Anyway i had an excellent time and would recommed it to and SF fans.
Last Monday I went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" at the local cinema (Monday is cheap seats day). It was interesting to see another origin story, a bit darker but perhap more rounded.
Nearly up to date, and must mention 1-800-Missing which is being broadcast daily and is based on a series of books by Meg Cabot, though they do seem to have diverged from the novel plot in series two.
ballroom dancing,
theatre royal,
sky box